Shati promotes ulcer-healing (vrana-apaha), controls pain (shula-apaha), neutralizes gastric acid (tikta-rasa), antagonizes histamine (dosha-apaha, mala-nashini), and reduces inflammation (shotha-apaha). In an experimental study it showed protection against histamine-induced gastric ulcer(H1m mediated) in guinea pigs, and the result showed comparable effects with CPM, a known H1 blocker.
Bhringaraj reduces inflammation (shotha-nut), antagonizes histamine (vishaghna, ama-nut), and reduces gastric emptying time in acid-peptic-diseases / hyperacidity (amlapittaja-chhardi-jit). Wedelolactone and demethylwedelolactone in Bhringaraj have potent trypsin inhibitory effect.
Madhuyashti promotes ulcer-healing (vrana-apaha), reduces inflammation (shotha-apaha), reduces gastric emptying time (chhardi-apaha), anti-histaminic (visha-apaha), and neutralizes gastric acid (pitta-jit). It has been extensively used in medicine for its anti-ulcer activity. The principal constituent of madhuyashti is glycyrrhizinic acid, which is known to offer protection against ulcers.
Mukta-shukti promotes healing of peptic-ulcer (pittaja parinama-shula-hara), reduces gastric emptying time (vamana-hara), neutralizes gastric acid (amlapitta-hara), alleviates dyspepsia (pitta-pradhan aruchi).
Weight | 85 g |
1. Increased acidity in the stomach (Acid peptic diseases- APD). |
Adults: Initial dose – 1-2 tabs thrice a day. Maintenance dose -1 tab once / twice a day. Children (6-9 yrs): 1/2-1 tab thrice a day. To be swallowed with water, just after/within meals. For children, crush and administer with honey, water, milk, fruit juice. |